Tuesday, November 16, 2010

waiting, waiting, waiting

Checking several times a day to see if Ethel has been shipped.  She doesn't appear to have left Salt Lake City yet.  In the meantime, a thorough cleaning of my studio 'annex' is taking place.  One just doesn't find a spot for a 15' x 8' utensil.  But in the meantime of waiting for Ethel, the Henz came to stay for 3 days and we solved all the problems of the world, inspired one another, did some soul searching and fond remembering of projects gone by, and we each made great strides toward accomplishing our individual quilting goals for the weekend.  I am personally committed to finishing my dear niece's wedding quilt (6 months overdue).  Have just the outside border to finish, then bind.   BE WELL, LIVE HAPPY across the top, lots of applique.  Found a great piece of printed fabric - BLAH BLAH BLAH, which I added in a couple of spots on the quilt, something fun.  Pictures next time. 
Ah, the excitement mounts ..... never really knew this new world existed. 

Phidge - don't let a day go by that you miss telling someone how much you love them, because someday you might not get any more chances.

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